First things first... Excuse the moustache. It's for a charity month called 'Movember' in New Zealand. Movember raises money and awareness for Mental health and prostate cancer in our little island nation.
I'm failing in love with natural powdered pigments. Ultramarine and Magenta look unbelievable. The story behind Ultramarine is fantastic. It was used as a symbol of divinity in Virgin Mary's robes from 1400. Extremely rare and hard to get... In 1817, an art college in England and the french goverment offered prizes to anyone who could produce a version.
In 1828, a french chemist was successful. Recognise the term 'French Ultramarine'?
Last thing to note that i absolutely love...
Ultra is latin. It means Beyond. Mare means sea.
'Beyond sea' because of the color's phenomenal depth.

I'm working on my nutrition. I'm bad. Hydrated but bad. A couple of eggs in the morning isnt going to cut it for an entire day. I'll coast on coffee and plan to do better tomorrow.
I've got a new fitness philosophy. Always work on the weakest points first.
30 sits differently on the body. I'm told I need to start rolling out my knees. They’re ridiculously tight and its starting to impact larger art projects. Stretching is going to play a big role here, too.